Meet Lari
Larissa is a commerce graduate, yoga teacher, chef & entrepreneur
I discovered yoga while pursuing my commerce degree in Cape Town. I found yoga a great way to stay fit, relax and re-center myself whenever I needed a break from the books, kitchen or work. I have since completed 4 teacher trainings, the most influential being an advanced teacher training in Mysore, India. For me, yoga has always been more than a physical practice. It is a way of connecting with my true self.
Like many profound and powerful arts and science - yoga has suffered from the spiritual poverty of the modern world. It has become trivialised, watered-down and reduced to cliches. Through my teaching I want to impart the deep and eternal essence of yoga.
Trained in classical ballet through the Royal Academy of Dance (RAD) 1999 - 2009
500 level Transformational Yoga Teacher Training - Cape Town, 2012
200hr Vinyasa Teacher Training - Johannesburg, 2017
300hr Advanced Hatha Yoga Teacher Training - Mysore, India, 2017
Certificate in Hindu Studies - Ramakrishna Centre of South Africa, 2018
Certificate in Gita Studies - Ramakrishna Centre of South Africa, 2019
50hr Yin Yoga Teacher Training - Mysore, India, 2023
Singing Bowl & Sound Healing Teacher Training Course - Mysore, India, 2024
10 Day Intensive YACEP Course - Mysore, India, 2024
Certificate in Great Lives - Ramakrishna Centre of South Africa - currently pursuing
YIP - DigiVYASA (S-VYASA University) India - currently pursuing
Teaching Experience
1050 HOURS
Teacher Trainings Complete
500/ YACEP
Yoga Alliance
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